Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Centre of the Heart

Well, it's Valentine's Day, and there's not a more unoriginal time to make a post on songs about love. Here's what I've been singing to myself for the past week:

Hm. That's, um, pretty depressing. Maybe I should try balancing it out a bit. Here's a few songs on the positive side of love:

Ah, that's better. I suggest listening to all the songs, alternating between the first and second list to leave yourself completely indifferent about today.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Don't Believe the Hype

I went to see Chuck D speak tonight, which was pretty entertaining, if not a little longwinded. Plus, I didn't really hear anything I didn't already know. Mainly:
  • America is the least global, global nation.

  • I'm lucky to be in college.

  • Everything happening now is the previous generation's fault.

Seriously though, I'm glad I went. He had a lot to say about the current state of America. It wasn't just another public figure talking about how stupid America is, but the why and where of stupidity. Of course, it's been a while since I've been to a lecture like this, so for all I know, this could be the norm.

Also, I got to expand my vocabulary with some great, new phrases. Specifically, dumbassification, son of a Bush and negativ… sorry, niggativity.

With that, I leave you with a related track from what I'm beginning to suspect is my favorite album, The Wired CD. Here's No Meaning No by Chuck D with Fine Arts Militia.